Friday, October 19, 2012


This is an alphabetized list of prepositions found in English. How many of these do you know how to use?
1. aboard
31. by 61. on board
2. about
32. concerning 62. on top of
3. above
33. contrary to 63. onto
34. despite 64. out
5. across
35. down 65. out of
6. after
36. due to 66. outside
7. against
37. during 67. over
38. except 68. owing to
9. along
39. for 69. past
10. alongside
40. from 70. per
11. amid
41. in 71. regarding
12. amidst
42. in addition to 72. since
13. among
43. in back of 73. through
14. apart from 44. in front of 74. throughout
15. around 45. in lieu of 75. till
16. as far as 46. in light of 76. to
17. aside from 47. in place of 77. toward
18. as to 48. in regard to 78. towards
19. at 49. in spite of 79. under
20. because of 50. in view of 80. underneath
21. before 51. inside81. until
22. behind 52. instead of82. unto
23. behind in 53. into83. up
24. below 54. like 84. up to
25. beneath 55. near 85. upon
26. beside56. next to86. via
27. besides 57. of 87. with
28. between58. off 88. within
29. beyond 59. on 89. without
30. but60. on account of

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