
Saturday, December 29, 2012


  • SO

Dupa “so” urmeaza un adjectiv sau un adverb, precum si determinantii

“much”, “many”, “little” si “few”.

The book is so good.

What you are telling me is so amazing!

They left so far away.

This artist sings so beautifully.

There were so many people in the market.

So much has been said about it.

Pentru a exprima motivul si rezultatul (cauza si efectul):

  • SO …. THAT….

Dupa SO urmeaza un adjectiv, iar dupa THAT urmeaza o propozitie.

The book was so good that I read it a second time.

She is so sleepy that she can barely keep her eyes open.

La fel putem avea si:

  • SO …. AS TO….

He was so stupid as to take whatever she said for granted.

Your grandmother is so kind as to do everything you want.

  • SUCH

  • Cu adjective si substantive:

Such nice people

It’s such a beautiful day!

Pentru a exprima motivul si rezultatul (cauza si efectul):

  • SUCH (a/an) …. THAT….

Dupa SUCH urmeaza un adjectiv si un substantiv, iar dupa THAT urmeaza o propozitie.

My friend is reading such an interesting book that he keeps on talking about it.

She ate such good cakes in Austria that she got fat during the holiday.

They have such good beer that people usually order more.


Daca substantivul de langa “such” este numarabil, atunci se pune articolul nehotarat (a, an). Daca substantivul este nenumarabil sau este la plural, atunci nu mai putem pune un articol hotarat.


So that…

I explained a lot so that you could understand the matter.

So as to….

They left early so as to be there at 8 sharp.

Such as…

When the children visited the zoo, they saw different animals such as lions, gorillas, giraffes and so on

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