
Saturday, December 29, 2012

for si since

Ca regula generala FOR arata durata unei actiuni, iar SINCE arata inceputul unei actiuni.

FOR se pune atunci cand indicam o perioada de timp. Pe FOR il putem intalni cel mai des cu un numeral, in formulari de felul urmator:

  • for a week = (timp) de o saptamana
  • for ten days = (timp) de zece zile
  • for three months = (timp) de trei luni
  • for five minutes = (timp) de cinci minute
  • for two centuries = (timp) de doua secole


FOR se mai intalneste si in urmatoarele expresii:

  • for a while = de scurt timp
  • for a long time = de mult timp, de multa vreme
  • for a long while = de mult timp, de multa vreme
  • for a short time = de scurt timp, de scurta vreme
  • for a short while = de scurt timp, de scurta vreme
  • for a few days/ years/ weeks… = (timp) de cateva zile/ ani/ saptamani…
  • for many days/ years/ weeks… = (timp) de multe zile/ ani/ saptamani…
  • for ages = de un car de ani, de o vesnicie (evident la figurat)

SINCE se pune atunci cand indicam inceputul unei perioade de timp. SINCE arata de cand anume incepe o anumita actiune.

SINCE se foloseste in exprimari de genul urmator:

  • since 1987 = din 1987
  • since July = din iulie
  • since lunchtime = din timpul pranzului
  • since the beginning of the lesson = de la inceputul lectiei
  • since 10 o’clock = de la ora 10
  • since Wednesday = de miercuri
  • since my friends arrived = de cand au sosit prietenii mei
  • since I was a child = de cand eram copil
  • since we graduated high school = de cand am absolvit liceul


Atentie! SINCE se poate folosi inclusiv cu propozitii. In propozitia introdusa prin “since” avem verbul la Past Simple!

FOR si SINCE sunt specifice timpurilor perfecte (Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect).


I haven’t seen him for ages. => Present Perfect Simple

(Nu l-am vazut de un car de vreme.)

We have been friends since the beginning of the school year. => Present Perfect Continuous

(Suntem prieteni de la inceputul anului scolar.)

He had been trying to repair the car for fifty minutes by the time the mechanic arrived. => Past Perfect Continuous

(Incercase sa repare masina timp de 50 de minute pana cand a sosit mecanicul.)

They had been married since 1970 when her husband died. => Past Perfect Simple

(Fusesera casatoriti din 1970 cand sotul ei a murit.)

The girls will have been making cookies for three hours by the time their guests arrive. => Future Perfect Continuous

(Fetele vor face prajiturele de trei ore pana cand vor sosi musafirii.)

The books will have been there since June by the time she finally notices them. => Future Perfect Simple

(Cartile vor fi acolo din iunie pana cand, in cele din urma, le va observa si ea.)

Sa recapitulam:

arata inceputul perioadei, adica doar punctul din care actiunea a inceput sa se desfasoare arata o perioada intreaga, de la inceput pana la sfarsit
poate fi folosit si cu un verb (aflat la Past Tense) nu poate fi folosit cu verb
se foloseste numai cu Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect se foloseste cu Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect, dar si cu alte timpuri atunci cand exprimam o perioada

My cousin learns English for two hours every day. => Present Simple

(Verisoara mea invata engleza timp de doua ore in fiecare zi.)

The woman is practising the piano for only twenty minutes today. => Present Continuous

(Femeia exerseaza la pian doar 20 de minute astazi.)

Are you going to play for such a long time? => “Going to” Future

(Ai de gand sa te joci asa mult timp?)

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