Friday, October 19, 2012

idioms T

Idioms T
Tell a Friend
take advantage of = use; make use of an opportunity; use at the expense of another person.
Next summer I'll take advantage of my big, sunny backyard and grow tomatoes.
take care of = manage; care for; keep in good condition.
The people who own this old house try to take good care of it.
take out = to move something from one place so that it can be used.
Rafael took his cell phone out of his pocket and started to talk.
When he was finished, he put it back in his pocket. ("put back" is the opposite of "take out.")
take over = take responsibility from another person; take control
When Mehmet took over as the cook at the restaurant, the quality of the food really improved. The cook he replaced had quit.
take on = to hire.
Business at this restaurant has been really slow lately, so they aren't taking on any new employees right now.
empty restaurant
take turns = one person uses something, then another person uses it; to share time
They're taking turns riding on the sled.
take place = to happen; occur in the past or the future
Unfortunately, wars have taken place throughout human history.
tell (one) so = to inform; to give a command or an order.
A: Did he clean his room yet?
B: No, but I told him so.
turn in = give to someone, usually to a teacher or to a government agency.
The teacher wasn't very happy when his student said that his assignment wasn't ready to be turned in. (passive voice-infinitive)

turn out = result
My wife made some stir-fried food last night and it turned out great!

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