Friday, October 19, 2012

idioms P

Idioms P
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pass by = to go past a place or to stop at a place for a short time.
If you pass by the store today, please get some bananas.
pass out = to give to many people; to distribute.
The woman is passing out flowers to everyone she meets today.
pass up = to decide not to do something.
She passed up an opportunity to work for a big company in order to stay home with her baby .

pick out = buy; choose from a group of things.
There were a lot of great guitars to choose from at the pawn shop. He picked out this telecaster.
pick up = get or buy
I'm going to pick up some Chinese food after work.
(the "going to" future tense)
point out = to explain something important; to show
The chef points out the need for having fresh vegetables at his restaurant every day.
Click here to see how many different ways you can use the word "pull."
push around = to be mean to another person; to tell someone what to do. This is similar to "boss around."
No one likes the boss. He constantly pushes his employees around.
push around
push through = to try to change a rule or a law very quickly; to use one's influence in order to change something.
The White House is trying to push an energy bill* through Congress.
*bill = a proposal for a law
white house
put off: to do something later; to postpone.
Hang and her boyfriend didn't want to put off geting married any longer, so they got married last year.
a. put out = to extinguish a fire or a cigarette; to stop a fire.
Please put your cigarette out in the ashtray.
b. put out = produce a product; make
This newspaper has been putting out a daily paper for over 70 years.

put up with: to tolerate; to permit something.
Harold could no longer put up with a boss who was always yelling at him, so he quit.

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