
Friday, October 19, 2012

idioms K

Idioms K
Tell a Friend
keep in mind = think about something because it's important.
Try to keep safety in mind when you go swimming. arrow
I'll keep you in mind if I need help with anything.
keep in touch = communicate with someone by phone, by mail, or by the internet.
She keeps in touch with her mother through email.
We should keep in touch.
We stopped keeping in touch, and now I haven't heard from her in years.
keep (one's) cool = try not to get angry.
Roger wasn't able to keep his cool when he found out that someone hit his car.
She couldn't keep her cool and started to yell at her employees.
kick a habit = stop doing something that you like to do, usually something that is bad.
He was unable to kick a gambling habit and lost all his money.
He also couldn't kick a smoking habit.
kick out = to tell someone to leave; to make someone leave a group.
He got kicked out of the office by his boss.
There are some people I'd like to kick out of class, but I'm too nice to do it.

kind of = sort of; a little; like; similar to.
She's kind of angry at her boyfriend because he didn't call her yesterday.
I'm kind of tired. I might go to bed soon.
kiss goodbye / goodnight = to kiss someone before going to sleep or leaving.
They kissed each other goodbye before he left on his trip.
I kiss my children goodnight every night before they go to sleep.

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