
Friday, October 19, 2012

idioms I

Idioms I
Tell a Friend
(be) into = to like; to have a big interest in something.
He's very into rollerblading.
What are you into these days? (What are your interests now?)
in a way = a little bit; kind of; in a certain manner.
In a way, it's a beautiful old house, but we would have to do a lot of work on it to make it look really nice.
in the way / in one's way = to block or prevent someone from doing something.
Never get in the way of an elephant!
in case = if; to do something in preparation
He decided to wear a raincoat and a hat and bring an umbrella in case it rains.
In case it rains, he's prepared.
in common = to have interests that are similar; to have the same ideas.
They have a lot in common. That's why they like each other so much.
in fact = in truth; this is the truth.
Roberto says he's not a very good soccer player. In fact, he's quite good.
(quite = very)
in favor of = choosing one thing over another.
He reads the newspaper in favor of watching TV to know what's happening in the world.
in general = generally; basically; a situation that is true for many or most.
Most children, in general, play well together.
in general, children are able to learn how to do things quickly.
in place = organized; in the right location or situation.
Yesterday her living room was a mess; now everything is clean and in place.
in time = just before, close to a time.
Yasser hopes to be in time for the meeting.
He didn't get there in time last week, and that made a few people angry.

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